Keys to Knowing Who You Are and Achieving Your Greatest Dreams
The world has no scarcity of dreamers. Regrettably, far rarer are those who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work on making their goals and dream a reality.
In even shorter supply are those eager to stick to their plan when the going gets tough. And make no mistake there will forever be demanding times to conquer along our journey. That’s just part of the deal. Don’t let it bully you into giving up short of your preferred result.
Everyone has dreams and a good number of people have goals. If you desire your goals and dreams to turn into reality, you must move toward them over and over again and with determination. By nature, we always begin with distance between where we are and where we want to be. Our job is to narrow that distance until it no longer exists. To accomplish that, we need to draw our goals and dreams closer to us, while simultaneously moving toward them.
Some people attempt to attract their goals without taking much action. Others choose to act on their goals, but without the added advantage of also drawing those goals to them. Action alone can bring positive results, but it is much faster to combine the two techniques.
Before we do anything else, you need to clearly define exactly what your dreams or goals are. This is not the time to deal in generalities; you need to be very specific. One of the best ways for you to get really clear is to write down a detailed description of exactly what you want to accomplish.
Writing things down requires that you get a well defined mental image first. The very process of putting your thoughts into words creates clarity. This clarity will help you form a vivid mental image that you can carry around with you 24 hours a day. Most of the time your personal reference to your goals and dreams will be that mental image, but you will also be able to refer back to the written description to help you maintain clarity.
One of the most powerful things you can include when writing down your goals and dreams is how they make you feel. The feelings you attach to the things you intend to accomplish are your greatest source of motivation and energy. So, be sure to include your feelings in your written description. Think carefully about each aspect of this future reality. How does it make you feel? What emotional anchors resonate with each detail? Write them down
Now that you can see and feel your goals and dreams with clarity, it’s time to begin moving toward them. What steps do you need to take to move you closer to realizing these dreams? What sequence do those steps need to be in to produce your intended result? What action can you take each and every day to keep you moving in the right direction? Once again, writing these things down will produce clarity. It is much easier to take action when you know what actions need to be taken.
Reaching your goals means that you need to take the proper actions at the right time. There is a natural sequence that will produce your intended result. Following the right sequence allows events to unfold in a very productive way. Always take time to create an action plan. Not only will it keep you moving in the right direction, but it will also allow you to anticipate what comes next.
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