Give God a Chance!
In Mark 1:10 – 42, a leaper comes to Jesus and asks to be healed. The bible doesn’t tell us anything about the man, but we can assume that his life has been filled with hardship and misery due to his condition. What is evident about him is that he knew to come to Jesus for help and that because of his meeting, his life was changed forever. This story also serves to let us know that no matter how bad your situation is, or how dirty your life, Jesus will take you in. It doesn’t matter how far away, how bad you have been, or for how long you have been that way, Jesus will accept you and make you whole.
Genesis tells us that God created everything in six days, and on the seventh day he rested. Don’t you think this all-powerful being could have created everything in one day? Sure he could have! But God did not rush, and he won’t allow us to rush him either.
If you ask God to act in your life, you may try to compel a deadline on him. You may think that the chance of a lifetime has come up, and if you don’t get God’s intercession right away, you will miss it on the whole.
Luckily for us, God knows the future. A lot of of us desire a “drive-through” life, but nothing valuable can be done in a hurry. Fast food may be fast, but it’s definitely not the tastiest, most nutritional meal you can consume. If we don’t give God an opportunity to do things his way, in his time, we risk stepping outside his will – into failure.
If you’ve been disappointed by a lot of people throughout your life, you may have a hard time trusting anyone, including God. If you refuse to give God a chance and trust him, you’ll live a life of anxiety and despair.
When you give God a chance, both time and opportunity to work – you’re obeying him, and obedience always brings blessings.
Maybe you’ve had the experience of planting seeds. You put them in the ground or pot at the precise depth, cover them with dirt, water them, and then wait. But you don’t keep digging them up, asking, “Are you growing yet?”
We’ll give seeds a chance to grow, but we won’t give God a chance to work. We have to renounce our instincts. We have to give up the feeling that everything should come to us right now.
We have to ignore what the world tells us and believe what God tells us about himself, namely that he is trustworthy, that he does have our best interest at heart, and that his timing is perfect, no matter how it may seem.
Don’t give up. Instead, give God time. Give him a chance to work
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